kamI gILer dRAma k0REa....

haha....k tok mukaDimah post kali ni kn..seMestinye r de kaitan dgn tjok yg de kt atas uh kn..haha....(nga x de idea la nie).hik3...persoalan??knp kitew org giLEW2 kt draMA korea nie??....haha.sng je jwpnnye....sBP die BEst la kn>>best3..haha...k antare drama2 yg tercaLOn adalah spt beriKOt: 1.sAssy girL
2.bOy oVER fLOver
3.coFFe pRINce
4.mY boSS mY Hero
and many more la..haha...ok.(persoalan ke2)...cm ne aq bole terjebak dgn dRama2 korea nie...ha jwpn tok soaln agak complicated kit...(memerlukn huraian)....haha...ok antare faktor2/sebap2/punca2/reason2/because2/dan whatever la kn....ha! sebap nye ialah 1:mungkin dsbbkn fktor persekitaran yg sangat2 tidak membosankn nie kn..(phm2 la kn)...huhu...huraiannye:da dok bosn kn....so tok ilngkn bosn uh....ngok dRama korea je la kn..kejap sedih,kejap hpy,kjp ktwe,kjap geram,kjp marah...hahaha....ok faktor ke2 plak ialah:Faktor RAkan sEbaya..haha....Hurainye:aq tau r korg bnyk da tngok drama2 koREa nie kn....tp knp msTy hEreT aq skli DlM duNIe kOREa koRG uh??huhu....sopn2 je aq dok dlm bilik aq kn,,tetibe korg dtg,pas uh cite2 sal drama2 KOrea tu la ini la....korg ckp best glew!!...huh aq ni just normal teenager yg mempunyai thp rase ingin tahu cm korg gak..so berbEkalkn rase INGin taHu yG tinggi uh kn..make terJebak r aq dlm kES2 drama koRea nie..haha...ha cukup r tu kn aq g tau korg pe sbb aq ley terJbak dgn drama korEa ni kn siap berserta huraianye skli uh...full set..haha...pape pown..BEst dOWk dRama KOrea nie...jom2 tngok sme2!.haha........like and comment k!!hee

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Miza Lyana

hg sndri y mnjebakkan diri hg utk addict cta korea ni.. hahahaha..XD

Nur adam

hg tu sla 1 pnyebabnye..haha..punce r..kih3


ko ad cte best x?? ak nk2!!! hahahaha...

Nur adam

ade la sikit2..haha...nk kew??ha meh cinie...mmg kje aq r bg owg citer2 korea nie...(ayt sindir)...kih3..x mau mara k...gurau saja..hee..peace!!!


mm...spe la ak nk mrah2 ni..hahahha.. anyways... ak ad byk citer korea... n semua cte2 ni.. ak da tgk.. ak bosan...mls nk download.. cte princess hour xhbs download lgi....

Nur adam

ceh touching la pulak die kn..hik3..ea bnyk ea..nk3..hee...sharing is csring kn..hee..peace!!


wooii...xde mse nk tacing2 dgn ko... ko ad cite ape???

Nur adam

haha...ni antare cite2nye..hee...100 Days With Mr. Arrogant..... High School Girl Get Married.....1mam 3dad....200 Pounds Beauty......A Millionaire's First Love.....Baby and Me...boys over flowers.....Da Guy Was GORGEOUS.....it started with a kiss.....marry me mary.....My Boss My Hero.....My Little Bride......playful kiss......sassy girl.....You're Beautiful...ha tu je la..hee

Miza Lyana

waaaa.... hg dh makin xpert bab cta korea nohhh... salute lahhh! kekeke

Nur adam

miza:haha u better shut up!!...kih3


woiii!!! ak nk cite da guy was gorgeous...ley x??

Nur adam

bole2...t aq anta kt ko dlm ℳЇℳℙЇ EA...HAHA..

Khairi Fakhri

x minat korea.. haha :D

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